Pubs & bars within 20 miles of Alexandra Palace Station

National Rail Alexandra Palace
Station Road, Wood Green, N22 7ST

We found you 4,383 pubs
Within 20 miles
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Distance: 6.5 miles     Location: London W1

Built in a village square in the heart of London we offer a hideaway from modern London. Located between Green Park and Hyde Park, The Chesterfield Arms is a hidden gem nestled in Mayfair. Steeped i

Distance: 6.5 miles     Location: London SE1

In 2006 a greasy spoon called the Jubilee Café on the edge of Borough Market was replaced with a speciality beer bar, The Rake, by Richard Dinwoodie and Mike Hill the two owners of Utobeer. Essentiall

Distance: 6.5 miles     Location: London E11

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Nightingale on the green has been lovingly restored, keeping the character of an old traditional London pub, but adapted for these modern times.

Distance: 6.5 miles     Location: London SE1

A hidden jewel under London Bridge, around the corner from Borough Market, the Mug House has the historic feel of a Dickens novel.

Distance: 6.5 miles     Location: London E1

Distance: 6.5 miles     Location: London SE1

With a sumptuous interior of antique and modern furniture, dark walnut floors and bespoke lighting set against the arches original brick walls, Jack’s creates the ideal fun and relaxed hangout.

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