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Pub reviews



Rob J

9 months ago

Good beer and service up until the bar staff failed to deal with two guys squaring up to each other with one who was very drunk and aggressively shouting threatening obscenities across the bar. Should have been thrown out and/or the police called. Neither happened so we left.

Max Penfold

10 months ago

There were two craft beers on tap, both beers were good as was the service. The local were friendly so I would have no problems going back. I didn’t have any food so no review of food

Bill Mckenzie

11 months ago

Nice little bar, with the tent outside it would have a Mediterranean feel, but with the cobbled square instead of the sea. Nice selection of cask ales, spirits. lagers, pleasant lad behind bar.

Stephen Hogg

11 months ago

Good selection of drinks, didn't try any food. No hassle getting served, friendly wholesome atmosphere.👌

Grant Davidson

1 year ago

Just stopped for a quick pint but enjoyed it. Great pub with friendly staff.

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